
Our mission is to contribute to the restoration of our communities and planet by helping our clients identify and create innovative sustainability solutions that will contribute to their sales growth and profit while eliminating harmful emissions, effluents and dependencies on non-renewable natural resources. We will help our clients discover and find the latest innovations in sustainability specific to their business and processes. We will be sustainable in our own operations and work to help educate our clients and their suppliers and customers about sustainability.

Vision of a Sustainable Organization Includes*:

1. An organization that forms groups, that is, supports families and communities, not just employees and customers.

2. "Rightsizes," adjusting its resource consumption and production to be as small or large as necessary.

3. Embraces diversity of all kinds.

4. Turns waste into profit and does not dump in its neighborhood.

5. Evolves with each generation of products, processes and people.

6. Does not buy on credit, using resources only to the level and at the rate that they can be renewed.

7. Optimizes its systems, not just its individual components.

8. Has good metrics and information transparency.

9. Adapts quickly to changes to the environment, resources and competition.

*Source: "Strategy for Sustainability" by Adam Werbach